Individual Therapy


you deserve to feel seen, heard, and understood.


When clients come to me, they are ready for change and open to doing the work necessary to grow and heal. If this rings true for you, I hope you’ll reach out!

 How Individual Therapy Works

Step One: “Schedule a Free Consultation.” If you’re ready to get help with anxiety and depression, or want to start healing from childhood trauma, schedule a free consultation with Eden to decide if she’s the therapist for you.

The first step is to schedule a free, 15-20 minute phone consultation to decide if we think we’re a good fit. We’ll talk briefly about what is bringing you to therapy and how I might be able to support you. I’ll answer any questions you have and let you know what to expect before setting up an intake appointment.

Step Two: “Have Our First Session.” To start seeing Eden for Texas online counseling, you will have an initial session called an “intake” where Eden can learn more about your history and get to know you.

During our first session (intake), we’ll explore what you’re seeking support with in more detail. I will ask questions about your life, listen, and give you space to share your story. My goal will be to gather background information from you and get to know you better before embarking on our work.

Step Three: “Create Goals for Therapy.” The best counselors will typically help you set goals for therapy within the first 1-2 sessions so you have primary areas of focus in your work together.

At the end of our first session, we’ll define the main goals you want to achieve during our time together. We’ll discuss some of the barriers you may be facing, and collaborate on a plan that meets your needs.


Step Four: “Ongoing Sessions & Goal Check-in.” Whether you’re seeking trauma counseling or help with anxiety, depression, and relationships, Eden will provide ongoing sessions and goal check-ins to make sure you’re supported.

In our subsequent sessions, we will continue to work on the goals you created at the beginning of therapy. If new problems arise, we will hold space for those problems too. We will check in on your goals and make adjustments as necessary.

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do you offer in-person counseling?
    Yes, I offer the option to meet in person. At this time, my in-office availability is limited to Tuesdays and Wednesdays only.

    I also meet with clients via telehealth, through a secure HIPAA compliant video platform called Google Meet. At this time, I offer virtual telehealth appointments on all weekdays.

  • Where is your office located?

    I work at a practice called Discovery Counseling Austin, which is located in central Austin.

    Our address is: 2520 Longview Street, Suite 307, Austin, Texas, 78705

  • How often will we meet?
    I typically meet with clients on a weekly basis, to maintain a consistent level of support.

    In the beginning stages of therapy, meeting weekly is highly recommended, as it allows us to prioritize relationship-building and to create a strong foundation for our work.

    As time progresses, we may eventually reduce our meeting frequency to bi-weekly or monthly sessions.

  • Do you only provide consultations over the phone?
    No, I also offer video consultations upon request. Please be sure to specify if you prefer a video consultation when you reach out.

  • Do you take insurance?
    The only insurance I can accept is Whole Foods Insurance. Otherwise, clients pay out of pocket to meet with me.

  • Can you provide me with Superbills or documentation for my insurance, so I can claim out-of-network benefits?
    Yes, I can provide you with monthly receipts (often called "superbills" by insurance providers), for you to submit to your insurance to get reimbursement for therapy. I can also provide an Account Statement if you want to get reimbursement from a flexible spending or health savings account.

  • Do you offer a sliding scale or reduced fee?
    Yes, I reserve a limited number of sliding scale spots for clients with a financial need. The practice I work for has a Sliding Scale Fee Form you can submit, which allows us to gather more information about your financial situation and determine an appropriate fee based on your individual needs.

    I am unable to provide a sliding scale to clients who meet on a less than weekly basis.